Food & Beverages

Food & Beverages

Unwanted tastes and colors must be dealt with and impurities need effective removal. Beverage producers demand very high purity in the water and many times the water supply from local sources needs further treatment. Public health and safety issues are at the top of the list. Activated carbons possess a diverse range of pore properties that are perfect for adsorption of numerous chemical compounds. Kalimatii’s VarnaSorb™, CaneSorb™ & Purifo™ products are ideal for this application.

Typical Application of Kalimati Activated Carbon in Food & Beverages:

  • - Removes Unwanted Colours, Tastes & Odour
  • - Purifies Water to The Highest Level For Beverage Production
  • - Enhances Local Water Source Purity
  • - Carbons Are A Reliable & Economic Solution

Applications and Solutions For The Food and Beverage Industry


There are numerous applications for activated carbon in breweries, covering process water treatment for dechlorination (with NeerSorb™ C series carbons), chloramine removal (with NeerSorb™ Catalytic range), colour removal (with VarnaSorb™ series powdered carbons), odour removal and carbon dioxide purification (VayuSorb™ series).


Activated carbon serves as an ideal additive for pigmentation used in liquorice production. Kalimati provides high purity Purifo™ E153 and Purifo™ E153-Pharma carbons for this application.


One of the most common applications of activated carbon is the purification of various sweeteners, including sucrose, glucose and fructose syrup. Kalimati offers a variety of CaneSorb™ grades (granular and powder carbons) for all forms of sweetener treatment for the removal of colour and other unwanted byproducts.


Activated carbon serves multiple needs for glycerine production, including tabilisation and ageing control of the final product, and the removal of unwanted colours and byproducts. Our VarnaSorb™ KM623 series carbons are an excellent option for this application.


In the wine industry, activated carbon serves to control haze, odour and colour in the final product. Kalimati offers several powdered grades, including VarnaSorb™ CC for odour and VarnaSorb™ PA1 series and VarnaSorb™ KM623 series powders for colour. Our offerings include products that meet stringent oneological standards required by many wineries.

Edible Oil

Activated carbon is commonly used for edible oil purification, for both colour modification and toxin (PAH) removal. Our VarnaSorb™ series powdered carbons provide industry leading performance in this application.

Fruit Juice

In fruit juice production, activated carbon serves as a useful media for decolorisation (Kalimatii offers VarnaSorb™ 47AL series products for light colours and VarnaSorb™ 623 series products for dark colours), deodorisation/patulin removal (VarnaSorb™ CC), and the removal of unwanted byproducts such as HMF.

Lactic Acid

Activated is commonly used for the decolorisation of extracts uses in the lactic acid process. Our series VarnaSorb™ 623 powdered carbons have been used in this service.

Coffee & Tea

Activated carbon is often employed for the decaffeination of coffee and tea. Our VarnaSorb™ series product has served successfully in this application.

Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG)

Activated carbon is often used for decolorisation (VarnaSorb™ 623 series and VarnaSorb™ 55AL series) and combination colour/organic removal of MSG.

Citric Acid

Kalimati offers both granular (VarnaSorb™ LC with low chloride content) and powdered (VarnaSorb™ 55AL series) grades for the purification of citric acid, removing unwanted colour compounds.

Soft Drinks & Bottled Water

There are numerous applications for activated carbon in the production of soft drinks and bottled water, covering process water treatment for dechlorination (with NeerSorb™ series), chloramine removal, sugar syrup decolorisation and stabilisation, odour removal, and carbon dioxide purification.


For gelatin purification and decolorisation, Kalimati supplies our VarnaSorb™ 55AL series and VarnaSorb™ CC series powdered carbons.

Scrap Candy

Activated carbon helps with reprocessing/recycling of off-specification product in the candy industry. Our VarnaSorb™ 623 series powdered carbons are an excellent alternative for this use.

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