Kalimati Carbon is a leading manufacturer, developer, and supplier of high-grade activated carbon used in a wide range of industrial applications including gas and air, water treatment, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemicals, industrial catalysts, energy, power, and mining. Being a sister concern of Rs. 1 billion Kalimati Group, which specializes in enterprise selling, we develop and manufacture carbon custom-made to your needs and specifications. Building on our almost a decade of experience in manufacturing and product development, we produce a diverse array of products from a wide range of raw materials including lignite, peat, bituminous coal, coconut, and wood.

  • Air Purification - VOC Removal

Regulations on air emissions often require control technologies for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Activated carbon’s simplicity and reliability make it an ideal solution for air emission compliance. Kalimati supplies VayuSorb™ with extruded coal-based and VayuSorb™ C Series granular coconut shell-based grades for VOC removal systems serving a number of industries.

  • Gas Purification

Industrial process gas streams require purification to prevent the poisoning of downstream catalysts or in order to meet specification requirements. Organic contaminants are removed by deep-packed bed columns of different grades of activated carbon. Acid gases and other specialized contaminants are handled with our ImpreCarb™ series (for acid gases, alkaline gases, aldehydes, and mercury)
Industrial air treatment with activated carbon is the leading technology for the removal of VOCs from the air and other gases, including the removal of siloxanes from biogas. In most cases, the compound can be removed to below the detection limit, which means that the most stringent air quality regulations can be met and exceeded. The technology is reliable, and simple and has been proven over many years.

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