Petrochemical Catalyst

Petrochemical Catalyst

Petrochemical Catalyst

The oil and gas industry has many applications that rely on the adsorptive capabilities of activated carbon. Amine scrubbers use GAC to remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from gas streams. Glycol scrubbers are also used to remove moisture from gas streams. Surfactants, degradation products, and organic acids are collected in these amine or glycol solutions and can cause foaming and corrosion that can lower the efficiency of these systems.

At every stage of production, filtration is required to separate or purify the products from by-products and/or impurities. Activated carbon plays a vital and versatile role in these filtration processes because of its tailorable porosity and strong adsorption characteristics.

For instance,

  • In refineries, pressure steam plays a critical role in several operations. To save cost, the steam is continuously recycled and reused through boiling and condensation. In order to protect the compressor parts, and to improve the efficiency, very high-purity acid-washed granular activated carbon derived from coconut shell charcoal is used to remove traces of oil and hydrocarbons from steam condensates. These grades of GAC have extremely low silica content to prevent silica from leaching into condensate.
  • Hydrocracking is one of the most versatile refining processes for converting heavy fuel oil components into naphtha, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel oil, or high-quality lubricating oils, through the catalytic reactions under the high-temperature and high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere. During hydrocracking, by-products such as Heavy Polynuclear Aromatics (HPNAs) are formed. The removal of HPNAs to the required level of purity is achieved using activated carbon.
  • GAC filtration is a leading technology for the purification of amine and glycol solutions to prevent the prevalent surfactants, degradation products, and organic acids from causing foaming and corrosion which can significantly lower the efficiency of downstream scrubbers. GAC is also used for amine scrubbers to remove C02 and H25 from gas streams. Similarly, for glycol scrubbers, GAC is used to remove moisture from gas streams.

Kalimati Carbon provides a wide range of Granular, Powdered or Extruded activated carbon for petrochemicals with solid-backed supply references from leading petrochemical companies across the globe. Kalimati's name is on the approved vendor list for most of the leading global petrochemicals companies.

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